Oral Conscious Sedation
Is the choice of many patients who are uncomfortable with or even afraid of dental appointments. With just a few small pills, Dr. Core can keep you resting comfortably through your whole appointment. When it’s over, patients often tell us that the whole procedure”was like a dream”.
Oral sedation can be perfect for patients who:
- Have severe dental anxiety or fears
- Have put off dental care for years because of their anxiety
- Would like their treatment to be completed in as few appointments as possible
- Have neck or back injuries, jaw soreness or pain, or a severe gag reflex
- Have high resistance to standard local anesthetics
Oral sedation remains in your body longer, and may require you to bring someone with you to your appointment to ensure you are safely driven home. Ask Dr. Core about your sedation options and potential side effects, and plan ahead for appointments when oral sedation will be administered.
If you have any questions about your sedation options, don’t hesitate to contact us and ask for more information.